Friday, October 29, 2010

Quote, paraphrase, and citation #1

"Giant Catfish, Giant Catfish Profile, Facts, Information, Photos, Pictures, Sounds, Habitats, Reports, News - National Geographic." Animals, Animal Pictures, Wild Animal Facts - National Geographic. Web. 29 Oct. 2010.
The world’s largest scaleless freshwater fish lives a tenuous existence in the murky brown waters of Southeast Asia’s Mekong River. Capable of reaching an almost mythical 10 feet (3 meters) in length and 650 pounds (295 kilograms), Mekong giant catfish live mainly in the lower half of the Mekong River system, in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam.

This website tells you about giant catfish. It also tells about other catfish, and other different kinds of fish. And it tells you how big catfish can get,what they eat, and were they live. 

Photo, caption, and citation #1

This photo is a red tail catfish. It relates to my topic because it is one of many species of catfish. Red tail catfish are found in Brazil. And they are very powerful.

wordle #1

Wordle: Untitled

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Preliminary links and descriptions!
This site tells you about all the different kinds of catfish. The new york times created this site. It is helpful because it gives me information about catfish.

This site tells you about how big catfish can get. The national geographic society created this site.
It helps me buy giving me information and videos.
This site tells me about commercial catfish. It tells you how they live,and how they mate.
This site tells you about a different kind of catfish. It saids that their is a shark catfish. They are found in brackish, and fresh waters.

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Monday, October 25, 2010

what i want to know

I want to know how fishing started, and where it first started at. I want to know different kinds of baits people use to catch catfish. What are the types of different ways people fish. And the different kinds of poles, and lines people use.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

what i already know

What do i know about fishing? I know were I can go fishing to have a good change of catching a nice size fish. I know how to get a fish off the hook. Catfish are nocternal and feed at night. I have caught some big catfish at night, but also during the day so it just depends. The bait I use for catfish is worms, or 'cut bait'. Cut bait is just anykind of fish that you catch cut up. If you are fishing for catfish you dont want a little rod or thin rod. You want to have like a medium size rod. If you are fishing for bass, or brim you want a liftweight, or easy to handle rod. Catfish are also really good to eat, but them are hard to skin. The way I skin them is to nail them to a tree throgh the head.You have to have a pair of plours to pull the skin off. And that is really the only hard part about it.Fishing is not that hard to do,anybody can walk into wal-mart and buy a fishing pole. Its just like any other sport you just have to try

Friday, October 15, 2010

The story behind my topic choice

I picked fishing because I think it is interesting, and fun. Fishing is fun because you never know what you are going to catch. There are so many different species of fish out their that it is hard to catch just one type. My favorite part is when you get a fish on the line. And the fish is just pulling and fighting to get away, and you know its big because its about to pull you in the water. You keep on reeling the rod, hopping that the fish wont break the line. Then you see a glance of the fish as it jumps up out of the water, and you say to yourself "he's a monster". Now you have the fish almost pulled in, and it feels like he has give up, and he starts to pull again. And then finally you get it pulled in to the shore, and it is a monster.