Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Quote, paraphrase, and citation #4

CATFISH: DANGERS TO HUMANS." Naturehunt. Web. 09 Nov. 2010.

A handful of species are known to present some risk. Perhaps the most notorious of these is the Candiru, due to the way it is reputed to parasitize the urethra, though there is only one well-documented case of a candiru attack on a human. Since 2007, the Goonch catfish has also gained attention following a series of fatal underwater attacks which have been alleged by biologist Jeremy Wade to have been from unusually large goonch. The Wels catfish has also been reputed to kill humans especially young children, and while there are no documented cases of fatalities, larger specimens are known to cause serious injuries in rare instances from defensive reactions rather than attempted predation.

This website tells you about the dangers of catfish. It says that the goonch catfish has gained attention following a series of fatal underwater attacks. The Wels catfish  has also been reputed to kill humans especially young children.

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